Tuesday, October 23, 2007

well, I "care" about your bottom line

Jon spotted this in Australia. Evidently, they don't care about your car at all, and it will probably be vandalized. BTW, this is not the first time a company has "cared" about a car.


Anonymous said...

I like the lack of the apostrophe for owner's, and the random capitalization as well.

cassie said...

Ahh...this is why I live in Australia

Randallrocks said...

*parks a farrari right below the sign*

... 2 hours later:

"Oh no, where's my car?"
"Sir, you see the quotes? I wouldn't get fired even if I puked on it."



Allison Horner said...

Just found your blog. Thanks for the chuckles!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the worst part about it is that it lacks proper closing marks.

jspencer said...

Wow, they could at least make an effort in pretending to care!

Amy said...

Doh. You've really got to wonder about some people, don't you?

Claire Joy said...

I think I get more steamed about the " at the end being backwards... it's just so sloppy typographically. (But I'm an artist so maybe that explains it)