Thursday, October 18, 2007

we didn't start the "fire"

Events that could count as a "fire": lunch break, coughing fit, rendezvous with attractive coworker.

Submitter Neman writes: "I found this in a storeroom of a company I was at (name is blanked out on the pic). Of course, when someone saw me taking the picture, I had to explain. When I pointed it out to her, she couldn't believe it and started telling her co-workers. Which leads me to two conclusions:

1. In case of an actual fire, we don't know what to do.
2. No one reads the emergency signs."


Amh5309 said...

Your blog is incredible. I love writing and English and it always cracks me up when people make stupid errors. They think it "enhances" their writing. LOL.

Anonymous said...

amh5309 used quotation marks correctly!

Anonymous said...

"Help" I'm on "fire".


steven edward streight said...

Jaques Derrida often "uses" quotation marks when he is discussing things like "structuralist" "imperatives" that are "seen" "as" "universal", often two quoted words in a row, and I've never seen anyone "do" that.

My friend Bennett Theissen of hates to see music listed as "live", and wonders why it's done.

I "Twittered" a link to this "weblog".

Big Screen said...

Don't we all read "fire" signs as we walk by? Yeah right

ToastedYoda said...

Can't stop thinking of Dr Evil now...
Or Joe in Friends ('I don't actually know what "THIS" means' and then 'I'm "SORRY"')
:) Thanx for making my day

Anonymous said...

amh5309 are you serious? This is possibly the most boring blog ever (and blogs are boring by nature).

Afrodite said...

Oh, I hate unnecessary quotes. Especially unnecessary air quotes.

Oswegan said...

What if there's only a dead end through that door?

A trap!


I Ain't No Oprah said...

I probably shouldn't post on your blog. You'd hate me.

Darren said...

Your blog is fantastic. I am immediately reminded of the Farley character from SNL who "didn't own a toothbrush" and "ate the deodorant cakes under him arm."

Well done.

Zen Wizard said...

Have you seen this commercial?

It will give you nightmares.

SDL said...

superfluous quotation marks rock. as do extra apostrophes. and even when your is used for you're. this is a good site to get lost in

TripExistence said...

Ahem, you put only one quotation mark at the end of No. 2.

bethany said...

actually, you'll notice the opening quotation mark is a paragraph above.