Saturday, October 27, 2007

speaking of restrooms

Brittney's husband "borrowed" this from his old job. From what I'm told about men's rooms, I bet relatively clean is enough.


  1. Meaning keep the obvious debris from the counter (visually clean), but we don't care if it's actually sanitary.

  2. Probably about as "clean" as my apartment after I've finished, tidying. Just ask my mother who within 1/2 hour of arriving for a visit is asking where the javex is.

    Javex? What's that?

  3. I like that - "clean" is very open to interpretation... :^)

  4. Great site! I always read the item in quotes as being sarcastic...which make for some funny interpretations.

    Anyway, I threw you a link from

    Keep up the good work!

  5. Wow that was really funny! your blog made my morning!

  6. Have any of you actually been responsible for keeping public restrooms clean? Women's restrooms are always more filthy than the men's--every time. Ask anyone who has to clean up after.

  7. Great blog! Was good for a few laughs this afternoon. Looking forward to reading more.

  8. Anony2: When I worked at Subway my experience was opposite. The misplaced pee was always in the men's.

  9. At least men never leave unflushed blood in the toilet like women sometimes do....ewww.


  10. This is my favorute one!
    What a great blog!!!
    I'll keep an eye out for oddly situated quotation marks now.

  11. hi, I am Brittney's husband. I stole this from a federal building in DC that I worked in that housed part of the US Department of Education. The misuse of quotes at the DOED made me laugh every time I saw it, so I took it home and hung it up in my bathroom. I'm so proud we made the site!
