Sunday, October 21, 2007

something 4 everybody

Maya writes that "a single quote is kind of like the sound of one hand clapping." And so it is. Maybe it's a new kind of obnoxious shorthand, like 4 and U. It either indicates not really everybody, or not really U. That is, the anthropomorphic letter from sesame street.


  1. oh, I hate 4 and U

    With a passion

    I refuse to use stupid text shorthand (helps that I have a gull-wing style phone with a full keyboard, though)

  2. I spell words out too, I even did when I didn't have a querty keyboard.

  3. I mean qwerty. I suck at spelling. Have at it anonymi.

  4. My, that keyboard's looking awfully querty today.

    (Sorry. I couldn't resist.)

  5. Hey, is there a way that we can send in photos?

  6. yeah. read the sidebar.

  7. No, only Bethany's allowed to contribute. She's just mean like that. She's kind of a quotation marks control freak.

  8. oh man, jeff just made me snort unattractively. What if I found all these things myself? Then this blog would REALLY be time consuming.

  9. Finally, I know who to blame when I see that obnoxious habit of using the letter u in place of the word you. Damn U, Smokey Robinson!

  10. That has to be a typo.
    Seriously, I can't think of any scenario or mindset where adding a " there would make sense.
    In other cases, an attempt at providing emphasis results in a perverse sense to the use of quotation marks, but that... that's just meaningless.

  11. It's kind of insulting the customer... there's something for everybody - AND you. As though "you" are not part of everybody.
