Monday, October 01, 2007

readers, te "amo"

Nicholas took this picture in Buenos Aires. For those unfamiliar with the Spanish language, it means "Laura, I 'love' you." Evidently he (or she I suppose) only loves Laura in a manner of speaking, but does want to express this "love" in graffiti.


  1. LOL! I "love" your site! LOL

  2. What a "sweet" gesture of affection. I love it! thanks for the laugh.

  3. Thanks to this blog, I think I'm broken. I can't stop giggling.

    I've been inspired to start a line of "greeting" cards. Some sample "greetings":

    -- You'll never know how much I "love" you, darling!

    -- We'll really "miss" you when you're gone.

    -- Sorry to hear you've been "sick."

    -- Heartfelt "thanks" for your "thoughtful" gesture.

    Dramatic AND verbal irony. Zing!

  4. t'ain't quotes, it's wings. Dude's love is aflight.
