I'm hesitant to snark this one, because I actually love the slogan. Just punny enough without being overly cute. Let's just hope that they do, in fact, let you in. Otherwise they're a pretty crummy locksmith. Thanks to contributing editor Jim.
(Some comments here and in other blogs lead me to remind everyone that here at the "blog" we consider slogans a grey area, but go ahead and intentionally misinterpret them.)
I tend not to think of slogans in quote-marks as an abuse of quote-marks: I prefer to imagine the locksmith standing beside the van, dictating the slogan to someone who spray-paints it on. It’s like a mini press release.
Agreed. I feel like this is supposed to be a direct quote. If anything, I suppose you could make the case that it's borderline plagiarism, since they don't attribute the quote to anyone.
I was thinking the same thing. Maybe that's what the owner always says in their TV spots or something.
"We put ourselves out to let you in" (Spencer 2007, p. 1).
Spencer, Joe. Spencer's Safe and Lock Brochure. Herndon, VA: Spencer's Safe and Lock Photocopier, 2007.
Seriously, I get that slogans are a grey area, but I don't recall learning that quoting them was "proper" in second grade. It's not incorrect, but it is certainly unnecessary.
I think what makes it really unnecessary to use quotes in this case is the concurrent use of italics. One or the other. Both is overkill, like underlining italics.
Fun blog!
I also think this may be a quote, thats why it's in quotes.
Funny blog though! First time here and I love it so far!
I prefer to snark on the use of "Va" instead of the correct postal code ("VA"). None of you other brainiacs saw that?
I love the quotes! Adds a bit of a *wink wink, nudge nudge*
Are they being clever . . . OR are they propositing me?!
(I prefer to think the latter)
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