Monday, October 15, 2007

like senior in high school

Hitch in London points out, "The 'senior' skateboard is probably intended for very frail 'seniors' as it is 'not for use by riders over 50kg in weight'."


Anonymous said...

Cool, this is the frst time I've noticed quotation marks used as a symbol for inches in one of your photos. It's not odd or funny or anything, but a good reminder of the many uses of "quotes". :-)

bethany said...

don't let any typographers catch you saying that! Those are different marks, and I've been chastised for using the wrong one (same key, not skilled enough to change it. Sorry.)

andy said...


Jay said...

indeed, the non-letter form of "inches" that looks like quotes is actually a "double prime" mark. (so foot = single prime, inch = double prime)