Monday, October 29, 2007

innuendo chip anyone?

Jim sent me this picture a few weeks ago. Maybe they're dirty because they have some of the peel still on them. Or because they're for flirting.


jspencer said...

Oh my god, I love those chips and never noticed that! I guess I haven't had them since I started reading this blog...

must... get... barbecue... chips...

Amy said...

God I LOVE this blog! It's absolutely hilarious how many quotes are used everywhere... And I especially like THIS quote! Hope you find more like it--too funny!

Anonymous said...

maybe they're dirty because they enjoy sexual innuendo?

resonanteye said...

Actually, I believe these are used correctly to imply that the chips are not "dirty" at all, but that the word is being used in an ironic or facetious manner.

The implication, of course, is that the chips are clean, but that something about them has caused them to be described as "dirty"- perhaps the fact that these are made skins and all.

I think it's actually-gasp! proper usage!

That said, I've been a fan for a long time. Keep up the great blog!

Anonymous said...

It may be proper grammatically, but is it still proper if Dirty is the brand name?

Anonymous said...

I think the brand name is in fact not Dirty, but "Dirty".

Anonymous said...

it's fine by me. i like my food nasty.

Avyn said...

It's the same concept as a dirt shirt, but they put the "quotes" there to "fool" the"FDA""." I thought "everybody" k"n"ew that"!" Previously known as John