Friday, October 26, 2007

If you call that living

Beth spotted this one from the road in PA. Maybe they are commenting on the lifeless eyes of women forced by economics to display their bodies for money. Or maybe somebody really just pops in a video.


Anonymous said...

i've seen that one. that's a long, lonely strip of highway i guess (rte 22).

Ben Osborne said...

"Forced by economics?" Come on.

jspencer said...

Wow. I think this just might be one of my all-time favorites!

Liz said...

Maybe they have "lifelike" "dolls" that look like "real girls" for your "entertainment"!

jeff biebighauser said...

We saw a sign in Indiana with a similar, and similarly creepy, theme (although it didn't use any quotation marks). It said something like EROTIC DANCERS, LIVE AND OTHERWISE.

Scott Douglas said...

Really says it like it is!

Mindy Alyssa said...

Thats pretty funny

Nix Muse said...

hahahaha i live near here, well in greensburg, pa.

just up the road is climax, a drive thru strip club.

jspencer said...

I find the existence of a drive-thru strip club puzzling, yet I now must visit it before I die.

Jennifer Gravley said...

Who knew misused punctuation could be so sad?

Anonymous said...

very funny. Just thankful it doesn't say "alive" entertainment. Creeeeeepy.

smylegirl said...

Maybe the entertainers are zombies, but the owner realized a sign saying "Undead Entertainment" wouldn't bring in as many customers.

Anonymous said...

maybe they're animatronic entertainers - you know Chuck-e-Cheese style!

aaaa said...


Anonymous said...

Lifeless eyes? Really? Some of us actually do enjoy it you know. Also, I don't think paying my college tuition in cash counts as being "forced by economics."
Don't judge things you know nothing about.
But other than that, I love your blog!

jspencer said...

Excuse me, I have seen Showgirls. ;)

Jen said...

Hmmm. I can't think of a "good" comment.

Anonymous said...

Actually, they shut down the drive-through strip club. :-(