Friday, September 21, 2007

potentially hot

There are quite a few quotation marks on this sign which I find otherwise aesthetically pleasing. You can see it better if you click to enlarge. The quotes around "fresh" are the most faint, but also the most disturbing. Thanks, Phil in Seattle!


  1. I love this blog, but what bothers me more than unnecessary quotation marks are unnecessary apostrophes. This sign has both. "Order slice's here." Slice's what?

  2. I came to comment on just the same thing. Unless the pizza-maker's name is Slice, it just doesn't make sense. Also, the only actual food item with quotation marks is "Breadstix." What are they, REALLY??

  3. "Order slice's here" makes the baby Jesus cry

  4. Geez. What a mess. Though I'm sure some buzzkill will find some way to say "that's not technically incorrect"

    as if that's the point

  5. "Order slice's here"!?! AHHHHH!!!!!

  6. It could be that the name of the place actually is "Slice's". That might make more sense.

    Wait, no. No it wouldn't.

  7. Does the Apostrophe Abuse person know about this picture?

    I discovered this site yesterday (along with Apostrophe Abuse and lowercase L) thanks to the AP article. This is now officially one of my favorite sites. I hope to be able to contribute in the future. Keep up the good work!

  8. Don't forget, dummies: If the word ends with an "S," it gets an apostrophe.

    Whoops, I mean "it get's" and apostrophe. Sometimes lot's.

  9. Yes, I'm an apostrophe nazi too and this sign is killing me, I tell you.

    In benefit of the doubt world, I'll vote with the folks who think there's a guy nicknamed "Slice" and you might be doing him a favor by ordering a portion of pizza for him.

  10. With regard to quotation marks... I have to say that the most annoying to me is when people are speaking and use the double-handed, two-finger gesture to indicate a quotation...

  11. widen your misuse of punctuation to include the apostrophe which is use wrongly twice in the board which offers "slice's". How often do you see "Fish and Chip's", "Potato's" and "Tomato's"?
