Friday, August 31, 2007

"it's better"

Catherine found this sign in an antiques store in maine. There might be a reason nobody still eats this ice cream, if it wasn't really better.


  1. This doesn't belong on this blog. It would if the sign read:

    It's "better"

  2. I agree with anonymous. In this case, the quotation marks are quite necessary as it's supposed to be representing someone's voiced opinion. What is lacking is the period or perhaps exclamation point.

  3. Agreed, it could plausibly be a quote.

  4. But whose opinion? They're not citing their source. And if it's a slogan, it's a pretty awful one.

  5. Actually, I think the words in quotes are supposed to be more like a catch phrase, the early 20th-Century Maine Dairy equivalent of "When It Rains, It Pours" and "Quick, Henry, The Flit".

    Or should I have said "Actually".

  6. I'm with blue and anonymous. This one should be allowed to slide.
