Tuesday, July 10, 2007

at least they nested correctly

Another one from senior contributor Jim. The offending section is the bottom - "a place where 'love' meets!" Now, if it had just the outside quotes it would be your borderline slogan, but the quotes-within-quotes around the word love really make this one a classic. And by love, we don't actually mean any kind of Christian love....


  1. Is that a burning Bible in the corner?

  2. it does look like it, but I think it's supposed to be the holy spirit descending onto the bible.

  3. A colleague of mine uses quotes in verbal communication all the time at work in the emergency department. For example, she will say that someone is here for "high blood pressure" or "chest pain" when they really are in the emergency department for those reasons. Now she has moved on to using empty quotes. For example: "you know how surgeons are..." and then she will make the finger sign of quotes but there is now word inside. It is fascinating.
