8 years ago
Unfortunately I couldn’t get a picture of this one, but you’ll have to trust me on it: (Found at the returns desk at Home Depot. They probably wouldn’t have been amused if I had whipped out the camera.)
“Please” if you are returning gas-powered equipment, make sure there is no “gas” in it.
I was tempted to ask what “gas” would include, but the returns clerk was cranky to begin with.
Such persons are "culturally incompetent" and are not "sensitive" to other people "feelings" ways of seeing, doing and understanding things. They lack "insight" about other people beliefs, values and practices and are unable to "dialogue" about their differences. And when conflicts arise, their lack of "insight" and cultural competence makes positive cooperation difficult and sometimes, even impossible. This kind of cultural "narrow-mindedness" is then perceived as disrespect by others and triggers their anger (rage) and its violent consequences.I have an "insight" into their grammar - it's weird. Also, they aren't sure whether cultural competence should be quoted or not. That's maybe the best thing of all. Thanks ed!
My landlady, whenever she sends me a receipt for my rent, always says things like "Thank you" and "Have a great day!" (In quotation marks, of course.) I've never quite been able to figure out if it's because she wants me to imagine her saying those words out loud or what. But today, I received the best letter from her so far. I'm leaving my apartment after two years because I've accepted a job out of state, so my landlady writes:My own apartment managers tend to send curiously worded and punctuated notices, although never inappropriate quotation marks.
"Congratulations." We are so "happy" for you. My family and I hate to see you leave, but that's the way progress goes.
We wish you the best in your new endeavors. So let us hear from you once in a while.
It would have been better if it had said, let us "hear" from you once in a while. Then I could "contact" them telling them how "thankful" I am that I had such a "fun" time living in their "apartment."